Coeliac Disease Study Palmerston North DQB
Coeliac Disease Study
Palmerston North
This is your opportunity to support research aimed at advancing treatments for Coeliac Disease. We will be looking at how well a trial medication is tolerated and if it reduces the immune response to gluten. Your involvement could contribute to the development of more effective medications, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for individuals living with Coeliac Disease.
What to expect
18 to 70 years old
29-day treatment period
Participants will be reimbursed for study visits and reasonable study-related travel expenses.
Eligibility Criteria
You may be eligible to take part if you:
Momentum Clinical Research is conducting a research study to test a new investigational treatment for people with diagnosed coeliac disease who have experienced relief from symptoms after being on a gluten free diet for at least 12 months.
Participants will receive the study treatment or placebo and then consume 10g of gluten powder (about 2 -3 slices of bread) each day, for three days. We'll be looking at how well the investigational treatment is tolerated and if it reduces the immune response to gluten.
After being approved to join the study, participants will be randomly assigned to receive a single dose of the study drug or a placebo (a harmless substance). Nine days after receiving the study treatment or placebo, participants will be given a wheat gluten powder every day for three days – equivalent to approximately 2 to 3 slices of bread per day. After that, participants will visit the clinic regularly until the study ends, The treatment period is 29 days and follow-up period till 176 days.
Apply now
Fill out your details, and our team will be in touch to discuss your potential involvement in this study and answer any questions you may have.